- Free parking lot
- Parking places for families
- Motorbike parking
- Bicycle repair station
- Bicycle parking
- Center plans
- Parent and child room
- Electronic equipment charging station
- Wi-Fi
- Wheelchair rental
- Ramp for the disabled and wheelchairs
- Stands with dog bowl and leash clip
- Hand disinfection unit
- Hours of silence are valid every Tuesday from 15:00 - 17:00
Friendly to the disabled
Rondo Shopping Centre ensures that people in wheelchairs feel comfortable and comfortable in the Centre.
- We have a disabled-friendly toilet.
- The Centre is equipped with a special wheelchair, which makes it easier to move around the Centre during shopping. The wheelchair rental is free of charge. Please book by phone: 52 348 79 57.
- Parking spaces for the disabled have been allocated in the car park
Friendly to families
The comfort of babies is a pleasure shopping for parents. Welcome to Rondo for guests of all ages!
- Are you afraid of losing sight of the baby while shopping? We thought about that. In the security office of our Centre there are free wristbands for children. After entering the guardian's phone number and putting the wristband on the child's hand, you can feel at ease about them.
- We have a comfortable room where you can feed your baby and change its diaper.
- We won the competition "A place friendly to families" organized by the Bydgoszcz City Hall, MMBydgoszcz.pl portal, Gazeta Pomorska and the organization "Parent Acts" („Rodzic działa").
- The Centre is equipped with rockers inside.
- The restaurant space is also adapted to the needs of families with children. It has a special table for families with certified chairs for toddlers. There is also a Hot Spot in the food court – access to free wireless Internet.
- In the car park there are parking spaces for people arriving with small children